Monday, December 30, 2013

Simple SSH 2-Factor Authentication Module


I needed a quick 2-factor authentication module for SSH. Instead of going with one of the popular solutions like Duo or Google Authenticator, it seemed like a good excuse to whip up some code. I've written small PAM modules in the past using C, but I've been on a python kick lately so I turned to PAM-Python. The module, we'll call it SSH Two-factor Authentication Module in Python (STAMP to make it catchy), is available over on github

How it Works

STAMP works by generating a one time use personal identification number for each login attempt. The module then looks up the local user's cell phone number, which we'll be storing in the standard Office Phone slot in each pw entry in /etc/passwd. Once it has the user's phone number the module sends the one time use PIN to the user. Instead of storing credentials for a service like Google Voice, I went with one of the first free sites I found, TxtDrop. The source includes a small class for dealing with the TxtDrop SMS form and works with most US carriers that I tried out. Once the correct PIN is entered, the login procedure continues with normal password based authentication.

Setting up the Module

Ensure the following dependencies are already installed on your system.

  • pam-python
  • python-requests

Grab the source and copy to /lib/security

$ git clone
$ cd stampauth
$ sudo cp /lib/security/

Now that the module is in place, we need to configure SSHd to enable Challenge/Response Authentication. In /etc/ssh/sshd_config uncomment the following line.

ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes

We also need to let PAM know the order in which we should process the authentication. I set it up so that the user is first prompted for the one time PIN before being prompted for the password. If you choose to go this route, then in /etc/pam.d/sshd locate the section marked with "@include common-auth" and make it look like the entry below.

auth       requisite
@include common-auth

You can set a user's Office Phone number with the following command.

$ sudo usermod stderr -c ',,555-555-5555,'

Finally, restart sshd and test it out.

$ sudo service ssh restart
$ ssh stderr@localhost
Enter one time PIN: 


An attacker could potentially lock you out of your system by repeatedly connecting to your SSH server and failing the PIN test. This occurs because TxtDrop limits the number of SMSes sent by your IP. Feel free to switch to a different SMS gateway.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Cubietruck a complete noobie guide


I own a raspberry pi and loved it, but it just wasn't powerful enough. So I googled around and found Cubie, figured it should be more than powerful enough for what I wanted to do. I found out the hard way that the cubie is not as user friendly as the raspberry pi was. My biggest gripe was that there was tons of support however it was not as good as the raspberry pi community is. For instance I was under the impression I could boot from an SD card just like the pi, and while I can what I didn't know is that it has to be a microsd card. Luckily I had an old cell phone that had an 8gig card in it that I could use. The next issue I faced was installing the image onto the sd card and how exactly to do it. In this post I will go over some of the things that I faced with the cubie and how I was able to over come them in hopes that someone else will have good documentation to go off of. I am using the cubietruck and installing lubuntu on an older scandisk 8gig microsd card.

Check List:

  • microsd card reader
  • microsd card (at least 2gig)
  • computer running linux
  • cubietruck
  • a way to supply the cubie with power: For this I'm using a 5v/1amp cell phone dc charger with the supplied usb power cord that came with the cubie
  • hdmi cord
  • tv/monitor with hdmi
  • usb wired or wireless keyboard

  • Software
  • u-boot
  • bootfs
  • rootfs

  • You will also need dd for linux (usually pre-installed)to transfer files.

    Installing the software to boot from microsd

    First thing we'll need to do is find the card then zero it.
    sudo ls /dev/ 
    Your card should show up as sdd or sde (mine happened to be sde) depending on the card and linux distro you're running. You can run ls on /dev/ get the output then plug the microsd card in and run it again to compare. Next we need to zero the card out.
    sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sde bs=1024 seek=544 count=128
    Next we're going to make the card bootable with dd.
    dd if=/home/user/downloads/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl-ct-20131102.bin of=/dev/sde bs=1024 seek=8
    Now that the card is bootable we need to create partitions to install the operating system to. To accomplish this we'll be using fdisk on the microsd card.
    sudo fdisk /dev/sde
    We need to create two primary partitions:
  • First partition needs to be 64mb in size
  • Second partition needs to be fill up the rest of the card

    Basic Configuration on first boot

    Username/Password: linaro/linaro Once booted there are a few things you'll want to do. First you'll need to log in, the default user for the OS is linaro the password as you might guess is also linaro. Next thing you'll notice is that there is no wlan0 but only eht0. This is because the modules are not installed. Lets install the modules for Bluetooth and wifi.
    $sudo modprobe bcmdhd
    Now you can configure wpa supplicant to set up wifi. You might run into some issues with wpa_supplicant. You can find help with wpa_supplicant here. Lets reboot now to make sure the configuration stuck. What you'll notice is that once again wlan0 is not there anymore. This is due to the Bluetooth and wifi module not loading on boot, so lets fix this.
    $sudo modprobe bcmdhd
    $sudo nano /etc/modules
    At the end of the /etc/modules you'll need to add bcmdhd so that it will load on boot. Now all you need is to save the file with Ctrl^x and reboot. Now your wireless configuration and module should both load at boot. Now you should have wireless network. At this point you should update and upgrade install packages
    $sudo apt-get update
    $sudo apt-get upgrade


    I've had the cubietruck a short time now, and can say that I do enjoy it and it's power over the pi; however the community could be better as far as development is concerned. I got the cubietruck to make xbmc 720p and 1080p playback smoother, without having to overclock. I haven't quite configured everything I want at the moment so I can't speak on whether the purchase I made for what I wanted the cubietruck to do was worth it. So far it's been a learning curve and I look forward to finding out more I can do with it. For now I have a starting point.


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